Hello! This is Josh 👋🏼

"Check Your CO2 Privilege"

“Check Your CO2 Privilege”

Javascript PROJECT, 2021 (1 WEEK)

JAVASCRIPT | HTML/CSS | various apis


“What would the world look like if everyone emitted the same amount of CO2 as me?”


This is a question I ask myself daily. While it is obviously difficult to accurately measure one’s contribution to climate change, there is a lot of data that tells us certain patterns within different socio-economical and/or geopolitical groups.

This data visualization project aims to help us understand our very own carbon footprint based on our income level and paint a hypothetical world where everyone - regardless of their background - is given the same privilege.


In this project, users can:

  1. Estimate their carbon footprint based on their location, income, household size.

  2. Simulate a world with total carbon equality.

  3. Interact with other countries' data and see how they compare.

  4. Alter an emission habit and see its global impact.


Technologies, Libraries, APIs used:

  • Our World in Data - Data on CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Country with detailed breakdown

  • ClimateWatch API - Historical Emission by Country, Continent, and Income Group

  • D3.js - Data Visualization Tool

  • Javascript, HTML/CSS